Dale Deransburg, Jr, Author, CEO, C.S.F.P., and C.E.A., a Chicago native and graduate of Columbia College is a professional speaker, Certified Estate Advisor, and Chartered Senior Financial Planner. In 1997, he founded Deransburg International, Ltd. (DI), a professional sponsor of the Learning Institute for Financial Education (L.I.F.E). His team of instructors specializes in financial education, wealth accumulation, asset protection, and small business planning for Middle-Class America.
DI teaches four comprehensive financial education seminars in layman terminology at an 8th-grade level. His classes are fast-paced, fun, and interactive with audience participation. He teaches 100 real-life fundamentals for family finances and provides complimentary written plans for each of his valued members. Anyone age 13 and up can attend, and it’s fun for the whole family.
DI seminars provide businesses, schools, churches, non-profits, and individuals with the keys to financial literacy and professional counselors who give support, empowerment, and accountability that create a long-lasting winning combination.
Dale is the author of “The ABC’s of Wealth: A Common $ense Strategy for Achieving the American Dream”.